Uzair Kharawala is a full-time professional photographer. He runs SF Digital Photography with his wife Farzana and is also the creator of the award-winning photography studio management software Foto SF . Uzair has photographed & given seminars in various countries including Sweden, Switzerland, Italy, Malaysia, Malta, Cyprus, Ireland & Denmark. He is currently one of Nikon’s ‘Evangelist’ and is a regular guest speaker at major photography conventions, trade shows & fairs in the UK, at Apple’s flagship store in Regent Street London, Calumet Stores, Focus on Imaging and has previously presented for all major photographic bodies. Uzair’s work has been featured in magazines, blogs & websites all over the world.


Photo Studio Templates are a comprehensive set of 15 Photoshop layered templates. You can very quickly and easily edit the templates to incorporate your own images, company information and colour scheme, creating a bespoke set of designs at a fraction of the cost AND saving you a considerable amount of design time.


Photo Studio Templates has been professionally designed and copy written to put your message across to your clients to make their first impression a lasting one. Each item of stationery and literature has been carefully thought through to make an impact whilst also informing your client about the luxury portrait experience they are about to enjoy with you.


Most photographers struggle to sell more profitable products like wall frames, canvas wraps or fine art products. This is because the client hasn't been informed or educated as to what is on offer. With Photo Studio Templates, you will sell more highly profitable items which your clients will love and cherish.